Data Exploration in Python


This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of programming in Python. Students will gain experience designing, implementing, and testing their Python code, as well as in using Jupyter Notebooks, and IPython for statistics and data analysis. Multiple programming paradigms will be explored. The course covers Python data types, input, and output, and control flow in the context of preparing, cleaning, transforming, and manipulating data. In addition, students will use Python to conduct exploratory data analyses, including computing descriptive statistics.

Coordinates and Contact

  • Instructor: Tom McAndrew
  • Email:
  • Office coordinates: HST 175
  • Office hours: To be voted on by students | By appointment

Class Logistics and Resources

Class Time and Location

  • Tuesdays, Thursdays 1:35pm - 2:50pm in Maginnes 103

Tentative Timeline

TopicTimelineOptional/Extra MaterialsData Camp LessonHomework
Exploratory Data Analysis
Exploratory data Analysis Part IWeek 1Refer to NotesHomework 01
Data, Data Frames, and PandasWeek 2Refer to NotesHomework 02
Data visualizationWeek 3Refer to NotesHomework 03
Split-apply-combineWeek 4Refer to NotesHomework 04
Probability and Simulation
Set Theory and properties of probability; Conditional Probability, and Discrete Random variablesWeek 5 and 6Refer to NotesXXHomework 05
Random variablesWeek 7 and 8Refer to NotesHogg, McKean, Craig 1.7-1.10
Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson, Exponential, Gamma, Normal DensitiesWeek 9Refer to Notes
Multivariate Normal DensityWeek 10Refer to Notes
ExamWeek 11
Simulation of Statistical Processes (Inverse CDF, Monte Carlo, and Accept/Reject)Week 12Refer to Notes
The Forward problem for several processesWeek 13Refer to Notes
Web application building
Web-application and data vizWeek 14Refer to NotesData: FluView For Subtypes


The course does not require a textbook. However, there are many texts that can be suggested such as



Attendance is crucial. If sick, let the instructor know and stay home. An excused absence allows for makeup evaluations.


Work together, but submit your own answers. Collaboration on quizzes, midterms, and finals is not allowed.


If frustrated, take a break, return later, and ask for help if needed.



We will use Python 3 for simulations and statistical training. There are several options for an integreated development environment to support Python programming. Popular choices are:

  1. VSCode Link
  2. sPYder Link
  3. Jupyter Notebook Link <- Recommended for this course.

Jupyter Cloud provided by Lehigh: Lehigh University provides a Jupyter Cloud, an easy to use platform for programmign in Python here (Link ). Note to use Lehigh’s Jupyter platform while not on campus Wi-Fi, you will need to logon to the University VPN. Instructions for the VPN are here = Link

DataCamp: Most, if not all, weeks of this course will ask students to use DataCamp for Python programming training. DataCamp is provided by the University free of charge.


Grading Breakdown

Final Project12.5%


Homework is due in person, one week after assignment. Late homework grades are reduced as follows: \begin{align*} f(\text{grade}, \text{days late}) = \text{grade} \times e^{-0.35 \cdot \text{days late}} \end{align*} Late assignments beyond three days receive zero.


The Exam is an in-class exam on content up until that time. The Final is a take home project that asks students to build a fully functional web-application in python that will draw on all aspects of the course. Quizzes are due by midnight on class days. Quizes are quick and meant to test class engagement.


Datacamp assignments may accompany homeworks. For now, Datacamp is free for Lehigh students.

Extra Credit

Extra credit involves attending seminars and writing reflections, contributing as an additional quiz score. These opportunities will be mentioned during the course.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Lehigh University provides accommodations through Disability Support Services. More details are available here .

Principles of Our Equitable Community

Lehigh University endorses The Principles of Our Equitable Community .