At the lab

If interested, the student should contact McAndrew about upcoming opportunities to become an Apprentice Teacher. See a typical template (that can be modified) for AT responsabilities above called “Template AT contract”.

In the lab, a typical AT-ship is valued at 1 credit. In cases where the AT decides to take on substantial course duties then the number of credit hours can be increased.

To register for an AT postion, you will need to fill out the following form with the College of Health Apprentice Teaching Form . Note: For this form please use my official Lehigh email address, .

Rules and Procedures as of 2024-10 Apprentice Teaching

The apprentice-teaching program is limited to juniors and seniors who wish to learn about teaching under the guidance of an experienced professor. Typically, apprentices are associated with a freshman- or sophomore-level course. They perform a limited amount of lecturing and leading of discussions, assist in creating and evaluating written assignments, and are available for individual consultation with students. The regular or “master” teacher is responsible for assigning all grades in the course. The duties performed by undergraduate apprentice teachers must not be confused with those of graduate teaching assistants.

To participate in the apprentice-teaching program, a student must:

  • Be a junior or senior.
  • Have an overall cumulative grade-point average of 2.80.
  • Meet one of the following criteria:
    1. (a) Completed, with a 3.3 grade average, at least two courses in the field in which apprentice teaching is done, and (b) previously taken for credit a course equivalent to the one in which apprentice teaching will be done.
    2. Meet the written standards for apprentice teaching established by the department in which the course originates.

A student may roster for apprentice teaching:

  • Only once each semester.
  • Only once for a given course.
  • Only twice in their college career.

Students register for apprentice teaching by signing up for course number 300, a number set aside in all departments for a one-to-four-credit course called “Apprentice Teaching.” Master teachers and apprentices must submit a written “contract” or agreement describing the duties the apprentices will perform and the method of evaluation. This agreement, typically submitted before pre-registration, must:

  • Be signed by both the apprentice and the master teacher.
  • Be approved by the chairperson of the department in which the apprentice teaching will be done.
  • Be approved by the associate dean of the student’s college.
  • Be attached to the registration form.

Forms for this agreement are available in department offices and associate deans’ offices.

The provost shall appoint a central coordinator of apprentice teaching. This coordinator, along with a committee of representatives from the three undergraduate colleges, will oversee, evaluate, and report on the program periodically.